"I'm kind of confused... play on the what? NES? Their originating console? And to be honest I'm surprised (and kind of happy to see) Metroid on here. I have to admit it hasn't aged well but people loo"

"I know it's not as long as some of these but I've always loved Sonata Arctica's "My Dream is a Drop of Fuel for a Nightmare" which is a great song as well."

"Isn't there Star Ocean: Blue Sphere on the GBC? I wish we got that..."

"You know, I'm sick of western RPG's trying to attract JRPG players. Yeah, JRPGs are kind of beating a dead horse but no matter how many RPG elements they put in a game like Boarderlands they are not g"

"Hans Landa pretty much is the whole reason to watch Inglourious Basterds. Well, okay, the bar scene is really good as well."

"I skipped out on the N64 when I was going up in favor of the PlayStation... still Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64 are some of my favorites. I never played Ocarina of Time BUT I am correcting that as I am "

"You know, I use to like Glenn Beck... until he went batshit insane and became a walking punchline."

"Kind of have to laugh at the phrase "interesting characters" being used in conjunction with Legend of Dragoon. Off the top of my head I guess I could admit that Rose was kind of interesting... kind of"

"You know, there's something about Rage I've never understood. Supposedly it sold all these copies and has sold enough to become a greatest hit... but finding a site with a sizable portion of reviews f"

"I did pick up Pandora's Tower. I had heard like many other current RPGs that the production numbers where probably kept low on that one. Lord knows when I'll get around to playing that, Xenoblade and "

"Totally agree with Einhander... it was totally overshadowed by Square's RPG back in the day. I discovered it many years after the fact. I have to disagree with Wild Arms being rare however. Last time"

"OMG... I hated FFVIII so much. The gameplay was fine (and the Junction system was fun as hell to abuse) but when you have someone like Squall as a hero you pretty much ruin your chances with me. Oh n"

"Wow... I'm completely the opposite on this one. I played most of the immediate follow-ups to the original (2, Adventure and even Magic Mirror) and none of those games can dethrone the first game for m"

"To be honest, I don't know if Timmy would be going to college anyway... not with all those SUPER F's Crocker gives him."

"Also, you're not going to take a shot at Baby Poof on the Fairly Oddparents or Dill in Rugrats? Dill actually got better in All Grown up while everyone else got worse. You should definitely do Rugrats"

"You get my vote just for nailing what happened to Brain on Family Guy. Man I get SO sick of having liberal views shoved down my throat when watching certain episodes of that show. The Rush Limbaugh, K"

"I like Morgan Freeman but I don't think I'd like him outside of his movies. I think he was the one that was sleeping with his own step-granddaughter, wasn't he? That's kinda creepy."

"Actually, if you think about it Luke Skywalker may be more interesting in the Star Wars books than the actual movies."

"It's kind of ironic that the Boondock Saints didn't make a profit yet they actually made a sequel to it... and then I've heard rumors of a third one. I think the DVD sales is what saved that movie/fra"

"I've always wanted to play Star Ocean: Blue Sphere."

"I didn't think Spawn was THAT bad... but then I wasn't expecting it to have any value to begin with."

"I know some people claim the SNES was when RPGs started taking off, but I mean just look at how many good RPGs there were on the PS1. The only bad thing was this flood of games severely burned me out."

"Not to be an ass, but I'm kind of sick of Hollywood trying to shove Seth Rogen down my throat. Pretty much plays the same damn character in every movie..."

"It really depends on the show... some of the cartoons I grew up watching really haven't aged well and others are as great as ever. The potty humor of Rugrats has aged poorly for example but then I pur"

"Happy to see Mystic Quest on there... it's actually a pretty nice game if you look past the fact it's an entry level RPG. It seems many people are incapable of doing that. I would also like to play t"

"Not to brown nose here but I found this to be an interesting read even though I haven't had any images removed. I always kind of wondered if there ever were issues with images and whatnot...."

"For some reason I like the last entry the best... it's so simple that it's downright funny."

"I don't think you quite captured how damaging Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within was to Squaresoft as a company. That movie hurt them so bad they had to merge with Enix to survive. Also, you might want"

"I didn't think Robin Williams killed anyone in One Hour Photo - just threatened them. However it's been a long time since I've seen it."

"Yeah, if I could just find a complete copy of Pinball I'd have the entire series. Also, you're missing the Prime Trilogy. That's a pricey son-a-bitch these days."